【摘 要】
As the fifth of seven children, I went to the same public school as my three elder sisters and brother. Every year, each child from the third grade took part in an old school tradition—the plant sale
As the fifth of seven children, I went to the same public school as my three elder sisters and brother. Every year, each child from the third grade took part in an old school tradition—the plant sale
纵观人类几千年的历史,不难发现“创新”一词在人类历史长河中扮演着十分重要的角色。可以说,“创新”是一个民族发展的灵魂和动力,没有“创新”就没有发展。21世纪,创新已成为社会发展的决定性因素,也是时代对人才的根本要求。 古希腊生物学家、教育学家罗塔戈在3000多年前就曾经说过:“头脑不是一个要被填满的容器,而是一个只需被点燃的火把。”这句话深刻揭示了教育的目的不是为了传播知识,而是为了激发人的创造
党的十七大明确提出走科学发展观的道路,科教兴国,科研强校,科研兴教。教育科研对学校的发展起到了助推器的作用,为办特色学校奠定了坚实的基础。我校在《农村体育教育现状及对策》的科研中,提出了“因地制宜、整合资源”的对策,经过自己与课题组成员长期的分析与研究,使笔者受益匪浅。 一、教育科研促进学校管理科学有序 教育是永恒的社会现象,有了人类社会就有了教育活动。教育研究的实践家对教育问题的科学性探讨经
Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu. When someone smiled at me today I started smiling too. I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin. When he smiled, I realized I’d passe
根据表格内容,选择正确答案。 1. What can kids do to help clean up if they're too young? A. They can clean the room. B. They can pick up toys. C. They can wash the car. D. They can take out rubbish. 2. When ki
在八年级试卷中,英语写作题型一般都在15分以上,约占试卷总分的10%,可见写作题型在英语考题中所占的比例还是较大的。然而,很多八年级同学总是感觉英语写作非常困难。今天我就和同学们一起聊聊写作方面的话题,希望对同学们提升英语写作水平有所帮助。 一、写作中常见的问题 1. 词汇量小 词汇是英语写作中必不可少的基本要素,但由于部分同学掌握的词汇量非常有限,還达不到写作所需的要求。因此,在写作时,很
一、单项选择。 1. —I do feel a little ____ about making a speech. —Take it easy. The more you prepare, the better you will feel. A. angry B. disappointed C. nervous D. bored 2. —In the past five years,
Many kids help their parents with chores, such as doing the dishes, cleaning the living room and taking out the rubbish. And some kids get money or other rewards(奖赏) such as more computer time by doin
I欄是五个中学生遇到的困难,II栏是有关专家给他(她)们的建议,请把学生的烦恼与专家的答复进行配对(其中有三项多余)。 I 1. I have a good friend. I love her very much. But she always betrays me. I always forgive her because I don't want to lose her as a fri