High-Performance Photo-Modulated Thin-Film Transistor Based on Quantum dots/Reduced Graphene Oxide F

来源 :Nano-Micro Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WAIN154
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In this paper, a photo-modulated transistor based on the thin-film transistor structure was fabricated on the flexible substrate by spin-coating and magnetron sputtering. A novel hybrid material that composed of Cd Se quantum dots and reduced graphene oxide(RGO) fragment-decorated ZnO nanowires was synthesized to overcome the narrow optical sensitive waveband and enhance the photo-responsivity. Due to the enrichment of the interface and heterostructure by RGO fragments being utilized, the photo-responsivity of the transistor was improved to 2000 AW~(-1) and the photo-sensitive wavelength was extended from ultraviolet to visible. In addition, a positive back-gate voltage was employed to reduce the Schottky barrier width of RGO fragments and ZnO nanowires. As a result, the amount of carriers was increased by 10 folds via the modulation of back-gate voltage. With these inherent properties, such as integrated circuit capability and wide optical sensitive waveband, the transistor will manifest great potential in the future applications in photodetectors. In this paper, a photo-modulated transistor based on the thin-film transistor structure was fabricated on the flexible substrate by spin-coating and magnetron sputtering. A novel hybrid material that composed of Cd Se quantum dots and reduced graphene oxide (RGO) fragment -decorated ZnO nanowires was synthesized to overcome the narrow optical sensitive waveband and enhance the photo-responsivity. Due to the enrichment of the interface and heterostructure by RGO fragments being utilized, the photo-responsivity of the transistor was improved to 2000 AW ~ (- 1) and the photo-sensitive wavelength was extended from ultraviolet to visible. In addition, a positive back-gate voltage was employed to reduce the Schottky barrier width of RGO fragments and ZnO nanowires. As a result, the amount of carriers was increased by 10 folds via the modulation of back-gate voltage. With these inherent properties, such as integrated circuit capability and wide optical sensitive waveband, the transistor will manif est great potential in the future applications in photodetectors.
患者,男,54岁.因头昏、乏力4d于2010年8月12日来我院 门诊就诊.当地医院查HGB 222 g/L.患者睡眠差,有打鼾、呼吸暂停现象.高血压病史15年,脑梗塞病史6个月.查体:肥胖体型,周身皮肤、黏膜绛红色,浅表淋巴结无肿大,心肺未见异常,肝、脾肋缘下未及.血常规:RBC 6.7×1012/L,HGB 218 g/L,HCT 62%,MCV 92.5 fl,MCH 32.5 pg,MCHC
Drawbacks of low efficiency and high cost of the electrode materials have restricted the wide applications of the thermo-electrochemical cells(TECs). Due to hig
从建筑施工工地的外部环境、人员状况、等电位联结状况等。浅述了建筑施工工地存在着电气危险隐患,以及必须采取的用电安全措施。 From the external environment of the bui