我室有位参加工作三十多年全区知名的 老同志。一向服从组织安排,不怕艰难困 苦,工作认真负责,任务完成很好。个人历 史上也没有任何问题。他多次申请加入中国 共产党,经常主动找党员谈思想、征求意 见。但就是加入不了党组织。每当讨论这个 同志入党时,总有不少党员认为他条件还不 够。是真的条件不够吗?资料室党支部进行 了认真分析,党支委统一了看法,认为这个 同志虽有缺点、毛病,但预备党员的条件已 基本具备。为了严格坚持共产党员的标准,
I have a room to participate in the work of more than thirty years the region’s well-known old comrades. Always subject to organizational arrangements, not afraid of difficulties and hardships, serious and responsible work, the task is completed very well. There is no personal history of any problem. He repeatedly applied to join the Chinese Communist Party, often take the initiative to find the party members talk about ideas, seek advice. But can not join the party organization. Whenever discussing the joining of this comrade, quite a few party members always think that his conditions are not sufficient. Is it true that the conditions are not enough? The data center branch conducted a careful analysis of the party branch unified view that although this comrade has shortcomings, problems, but the conditions for the reserve party members have been basically equipped. In order to strictly adhere to the standards of communists,