前些年,医药行业曾是四川省的一个支柱产业和高效型行业,全省药商实现的利润曾达亿元。然而,1993年,全省药商亏损却超过1000万元,仅中药经营亏损就达400万元。1994年,大多数药商的购、销、利均大幅度下降,而费用却不断上升,亏损面不断扩大。不到一年,累计亏损额就成为1993年的9倍多。 究其原因,笔者以为直接的,主要的原因在于如下几个方面:一是“体质”不强。主要是指主力——国有药商企业因内部因素所造成的活力缺乏。二是“血脉”欠畅。即企业经营资金来源不足、相互拖欠等原因所造成的资金短
In the past few years, the pharmaceutical industry was a pillar industry and a highly efficient industry in Sichuan Province. The profits realized by drug dealers in the province had reached 100 million yuan. However, in 1993, the province’s drug dealers lost more than 10 million yuan, and the loss of Chinese medicine alone reached 4 million yuan. In 1994, the purchases, sales, and profits of most drug dealers decreased significantly, while the costs continued to rise and the loss surface continued to expand. In less than a year, the cumulative loss has become more than nine times that of 1993. The reason why the author thinks it is direct is that the main reasons lie in the following aspects: First, “constitution” is not strong. Mainly refers to the main force - lack of vitality caused by internal factors in state-owned drug dealers. The second is that the “blood” is not smooth. That is, the funds caused by insufficient sources of business funds and mutual defaults are short.