系统管理是软科学系统论的一个组成部分.如何应用系统论这门新学科,对矿井通风防尘进行系统管理 需要我们在实践中去不断探索.本文试通过张家口金矿近年来在通风防尘实行系统管理的初步尝试,再加个人的一些构思,试图找到一条比较正确、有效、迅速、节约的通风防尘管理途径.文章内容是利用《通风防尘工作检查表》反映通风防尘工作、监查粉尘的危害,
System management is an integral part of soft science system theory.How to apply the system theory of this new discipline, the systematic management of mine ventilation and dust control needs us to continue to explore in practice.This paper tried through the Zhangjiakou gold mine in recent years, ventilation and dust Try to find a more correct, effective, rapid and economical way of ventilation and dust control.The article content is the use of “ventilation and dust check sheet” to reflect the work of ventilation and dust prevention, To monitor the hazards of dust,