搏击者之歌:巾帼也敢赛须眉——记长沙巨星轻质建材股份有限公司董事长 蒋暾

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曾几何时,随着GBF高强复合薄壁管在现浇砼空心无楼楼盖中的应用,一场科技革命的热潮便在建筑业猛烈掀起,如火如荼,势不可挡。在省会长沙,高达45层的湖南国际金融大厦因为使用了这种GBF技术,使其节约投资600多万元,增加室内有效空间1000多平方米;在财政部烟台培训中心,在温州国际会展中心,也因为使用该项技术取得了显著的经济效益;在北京、南京、广东等地,GBF技术的应用也是司空见惯。然而当人们在观赏这些令人心旷神怡的美丽建筑物,并为它的大跨度,现浇无梁结构发出惊叹赞美时,可知是谁发明与设计了这种高科技术,可曾相信这其中竟有一双纤纤玉手用高科技建筑技术挚起了广厦千万间,取得了顶梁柱的作用?可知在她的背后曾酒下了多少辛酸与汗水? 为寻找答案,迎着初冬的暖阳,本刊记者慕名采访了长沙巨星轻质建材股份 Once upon a time, with the GBF high-strength composite thin-walled tube in the hollow concrete floor without floor cover application, a boom in science and technology in the construction industry violently set off in full swing, overwhelming. Changsha, the provincial capital, up to 45 layers of the Hunan International Finance Building because of the use of this GBF technology to make it more than 600 million yuan investment savings, increase indoor effective space of more than 1,000 square meters; Yantai Training Center in the Ministry of Finance, Wenzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center , But also because of the use of the technology has made significant economic benefits; in Beijing, Nanjing, Guangdong and other places, GBF technology is also commonplace. However, when people watch these delightful and beautiful buildings and marvel at their large-span, in-situ beamless structures, they know who invented and designed this high-tech technology. A pair of slender jade hand with high-tech construction technology since the Guangsha reached 10 million, made the role of pillar? Can know in her back had wine how much bitterness and sweat? To find the answer to the early winter warm sun, this issue Reporters visited Changsha superstar light building materials shares
Radio frequency plasma was used to prepare a vanadium catalyst. The results showed that activating time of the catalyst could be shortened quickly and the cata
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The catalytic activities of TiSiW12O40/TiO2 in synthesizing ethyl ester, propyl ester, n-butyl ester, and amyl ester were reported. It was demonstrated that Ti
根据立体几何原理与勾股定律,按眼球半径为12mm,在x线定位片上找出矢状面、冠状面、水平面的相应x、y、z值后,得出D值。当D=11~12mm时异物位球壁;D12mm 异物位球外。同理得出
寒冷的冬季,气温急剧下降,尤其是北方,风雪迷漫,寒气逼人。在严寒的气候中不但行车艰难,而且起动发动机也并非是件简单的事情。 尤其是柴油发动机,在低温的条件下,要费好大
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交通部1995年2月颁布了 JT/T198—95《汽车技术等级评定标准》及 JT/T199—95《汽车技术等级评定的检测方法》两个行业标准。目前,一些汽车综合性能检测站,已开始按该标准对