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建构主义教学理论于西方20世纪80年代兴起,是学习理论从行为主义到认知主义以后的进一步发展,也是认知心理学进一步完善的结果。该理论认为,学习应以学习者为中心,在交流、合作的互动中主动建构知识,以学生自己的方式建构对事物的理解。建构主义理论还认 The rise of constructivism teaching theory in the 1980s in the West is a further development of learning theory from behaviorism to cognitiveism and also a result of the further improvement of cognitive psychology. The theory holds that learning should take the learner as the center, take the initiative to construct knowledge in the interaction of communication and cooperation, and construct the understanding of things by students’ own way. Constructivism also recognizes
物理问题分析的关键是建立物理情景,而物理情景往往通过适当的图形来描述.高考考纲明确指出,必要时考生能运用几何图形、函数图象进行表达、分析.物理作图是表现物理现象与规律的一种直观手段,是数与形结合的产物,是具体与抽象相结合的体现,识图与作图能力是一种综合分析能力.因此在对物理问题的分析与求解中,图形表现出了对分析与解决问题能力的考查.  本文分析2016年几道高考物理试题,通过图谈物理解题能力的培养