人说“一饱口福”,又说“口无遮拦”,形象地道出了嘴巴的两大主要功能:吃与讲。可见,食品与语言是息息相关的。沪方言中就有不少有关食品的有趣语汇。 上海人特别爱吃鸡,因此俗语中有关鸡的品种的就有不少。如早在明代,李诩著《戒庵老人漫笔》中就有“嘉定南翔罗店出三黄鸡,嘴足皮毛纯全者佳,重数斤;能治疾”,后来又有“浦东三黄鸡”、“小绍兴三黄鸡”等在饮食业中独树一帜、风靡上海。白斩鸡,电烤鸡都
People say “a full blessing”, also said “outspoken”, vividly reveal the mouth of the two main functions: eat and talk. Visible, food and language are closely related. There are many interesting dialects of food in Shanghai dialect. Shanghai people especially love chicken, so the saying goes about the variety of chicken there are many. As early as the Ming Dynasty, Li Kui, “Annihilation of the elderly Manmo,” there is “Jiading Nanxiang Lo shop out of three yellow chickens, mouth full of pure fur, weight kilos; can cure disease” and later there are “Pudong three yellow chickens” , “Little Shaoxing three yellow chicken” and so unique in the catering industry, popular in Shanghai. White cut chicken, roast chicken are