山西阳泉一处,1984年头十个月狠抓基础工作,加快改革步伐,提前83天完成全年基建任务后,又提前60天实现井巷工程成巷(井)进尺万米(折合)处,经济效益显著。 1984年1~10月,该处实际完成工作量为2413.53万元,为年计划的107.3%;成巷进尺5874.8米,为年计划的106.8%;全员劳动生产率3635元/人,为年计划的106.9%;工程质量全部合格,优良品率达到66.3%;工程成本降低额76.39万元,降低率为3.31%;安全状况良好,无重大死亡事故。其它各项技术经济指标普遍高于往年,为国家重点工程阳泉二矿建成投产做出了贡献。
Shanxi Yangquan, the first ten months of 1984, pay close attention to basic work, speed up the pace of reform, complete the annual infrastructure tasks 83 days ahead of schedule, but also 60 days ahead of completion of roadway engineering into the lane (well) footage of meters (equivalent) Department, Significant economic benefits. From January to October 1984, the actual work volume of the department was 24,135,300 yuan, which is 107.3% of the annual plan; the footage of the alley is 5874.8 meters, which is 106.8% of the annual plan; the full-time labor productivity of 3635 yuan / person is the annual plan Of the total; 106.9% of the project quality; all qualified, excellent product rate reached 66.3%; project cost reduction of 763,900 yuan, a reduction rate of 3.31%; safe condition is good, no major fatalities. All other technical and economic indicators are generally higher than in previous years, contributing to the completion and put into production of the second national key project Yangquan.