吉祥草(Reineckia Carnea Kunth),又名爆仗花、观音草,为百合科吉祥草属多年生、四季常绿的宿根草本花卉。株高38厘米左右,茎柔,黄绿色,有时褐色,生匍匐根状茎,茎节处有须根,根和茎都匍匐在地下;叶深绿,成窄形长条或披针形,3~8个叶片从茎基部簇生而出,叶纤疏,犹如兰花叶,但较兰叶柔而稍短;花葶从叶丛中抽出,约15厘米高,花小,粉红色,成穗状花序,8~10月开花,微香。结绿色圆形浆果,成熟后变为紫红色(见上图,刘金摄)。
Reineckia Carnea Kunth, also known as Okinawa Flower, Kuan-Yin Grass, is a perennial herbaceous perennial evergreen, evergreen perennial herbaceous flowers. Plant height of about 38 cm, stem soft, yellow-green, sometimes brown, raw creeping rhizomes, stems at the fibrous roots, roots and stems prostrate in the ground; leaves dark green, into a narrow strip or lanceolate, 3 ~ 8 leaves clustered out from base of stem, leaf sparse, like orchid leaf, but slightly shorter than blue leaf; scape extracted from the leaves, about 15 cm high, flowers small, pink, spike Inflorescence, 8 to October flowering, slightly fragrant. Knot green round berries, into a purple after maturity (see above, Liu Jin photo).