First, the preface People have become accustomed to stretching the sky, soaring in the air heaven and earth called “flying.” However, when did the term appear in academia? Although it is unclear, Fukui Loki Lang in his “Phoenix Hall of Fame portrait history”, this article written in the late Meiji era, “I do not know the name of the right Flying called. ” Based on the fact that the private record “Nagatsuki” built by Toba’s Hall called Fu-kuang of the deity “Flying Light” and called the “Bodhisattva of God” on the inner wall of the hall, he strongly advocated “flying ”This term has been buried in the literature for centuries and should be restored. However, it seems that it was never used as an official name in view of the fact that the painting of the Buddha’s master, the Buddha, as the original master, was discussed at the corner of Toba’s temple, and the question of causing the Buddha’s Buddha to fly into the sky or creating Tang Sikuang. For example, if