新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市友好商场在“质量、品种、效益年”中,抓了以下工作: 一是把严堵伪劣商品和提高服务质量工作放在首位,使企业的经济效益和社会效益有机结合。友好商场是近两年扩建的乌市大型商业企业之一,开业后业务发展较快,但一度放松了商品的质量管理,盲目进货,无人把关。1990年第一季度就有消费者投诉31起,受到当地报纸点名批评。这无疑是粗放经营带来的苦果。事后,商场采取了有力的措施,成立了以总经理为首的“抵制假冒伪劣商品工作领导小组”。制订了《遏制假冒伪劣商品在本场流通的
In the “quality, variety, and benefit year” of Urumqi City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the following work was carried out: First, the work of placing heavy on blocking counterfeit and inferior commodities and improving service quality was put in the first place, and the economic and social benefits of the enterprise were organically combined. The friendly shopping mall is one of the large-scale commercial enterprises in the Urumqi City, which has expanded in the past two years. After the business opened, the business developed rapidly. However, once the quality management of the goods was relaxed, the goods were blindly purchased and no one checked. In the first quarter of 1990, there were 31 consumer complaints, which were criticized by local newspapers. This is undoubtedly the bitter fruit of extensive operations. Afterwards, the shopping malls took effective measures and established the “Leader Group to Resist Counterfeit and Counterfeit Goods” headed by the General Manager. Formulated to contain the circulation of fake and shoddy goods in the field