The short-channel effect is one of the most important physical effects in a small-size MOSFET, and the trench gate MOSFET strongly suppresses the short-channel effect. Through the research on the structure and characteristics of the trench gate MOSFET, it is found that the notch corner has a significant effect on the threshold voltage and the characteristics of the trench gate MOSFET. The threshold voltage at the corner of the recess determines the threshold voltage of the entire recess gate MOSFET. The radius of curvature at the corner of the groove is an important structural parameter for the trench MOSFET. By optimizing the radius of curvature, the source-drain junction depth and the doping concentration at the corner of the recess, the trench gate MOSFET can not only suppress the short-channel effect but also have good output characteristics and S-factor This structure is suitable for deep sub-micron MOSFET devices.