“西部大开发,司法行政怎么干?”贵州省 司法厅确定了工作思路,总的原则是以中央的 战略部署为依据,紧扣贵州省实施西部大开发 战略所确定的思路开展工作。 当前和今后一个时期重点抓好以下6个方 面的工作:一是认真做好维护稳定的工作,为 实施西部大开发战略营造安定的
“How can the western development and judicial administration work?” Guizhou Provincial Department of Justice established the working train of thought. The general principle is based on the strategic deployment of the Central Government and closely follows the train of thought of Guizhou Province in implementing the strategy of large-scale development of the western region. At present and for a period in the future, we will focus our efforts on the following six areas: First, conscientiously do well in maintaining stability and stability in order to implement the strategy of developing the western region