患者,男,44岁。因腹痛、腹泻3d于2002年9月17日以“腹泻、脱水待查”收住本院。患者入院3d前因进不洁饮食出现腹痛、腹泻,呈黄色稀水样便,每日4次左右,每次量约200ml。在其单位卫生所给予0.9%氯化钠液、头孢哌酮钠(4g/d)治疗后腹痛、腹泻减轻,仍为黄色稀水样便,每日2~3次,每次量约100ml,伴乏力、多汗。既往身体健康,入院后体检,T36.8℃,R24次/min,P78次/min,BP 118/90mm Hg(1mm Hg=0.133 kpa)。营养欠佳,神清,精神差,急性病容。双侧瞳孔等大等圆,光反射灵敏,视
Patient, male, 44 years old. Due to abdominal pain, diarrhea 3d in September 17, 2002 to “diarrhea, dehydration pending investigation” to accept this hospital. Patients admitted to the hospital before the 3d into the unclean diet appear abdominal pain, diarrhea, yellow watery stool, about 4 times a day, each about 200ml. 0.9% sodium chloride solution is given in their unit health center. After treatment with cefoperazone sodium (4g / d), the abdominal pain and diarrhea are relieved, and the water is still yellow and watery. The dosage is about 100ml per day for about 100ml with fatigue, Sweating. Previous physical health, physical examination after admission, T36.8 ℃, R24 times / min, P78 times / min, BP 118 / 90mm Hg (1mm Hg = 0.133kpa). Poor nutrition, vivid, poor spirit, acute illness. Pupils and other large round, light sensitive, depending on