1 工程概况陆浑水库溢洪道泄洪闸启闭机室建于闸墩顶部的工作桥上,工作桥顶面距闸底板22m,启闭机室长47m,高3.5m,宽4.8m,由3个控制问组成(中间高,两端低)。每间控制室由16根对称的钢筋混凝土柱组成框架结构;柱上架有8根钢筋混凝土横梁,梁上是现浇的钢筋混凝土房顶。2 采取凹型控制爆破的原因溢洪道闸的东南方向21m 处是红海湾度假村,因地基不稳固,早年建筑的3层度假村楼房已产生了严重的纵横裂缝,属危房,西北方向60m 处山顶是博林学校;又因为启闭机室建
1 Project Overview Luhun reservoir spillway sluice gate hoist room built in the top of the bridge work pier, the working bridge from the gate bottom 22m, hoist room 47m, height 3.5m, width 4.8m, by 3 Control asked composition (high in the middle, low at both ends). Each control room consists of 16 symmetrical reinforced concrete columns framed structure; the column rack has eight reinforced concrete beams, the beam is cast-in-place reinforced concrete roof. 2 to take the reason of concave control blasting 21m southeast of the spillway flood gate is the Red Bay Resort, due to unstable foundation, the early construction of the three-story resort building has produced serious vertical and horizontal cracks, is dangerous, northwest 60m at the top of Boling School; also because of hoist room built