Pretreatment of biomass by torrefaction

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Agricultural biomass has some drawbacks such as high moisture content,low energy density and wide distribution and as a result,the cost of transport and storage are high.Moreover,raw biomass has poor grindability so its use in a pulverized boiler or entrained flow gasifier is difficult.Torrefaction is a mild pyrolysis process carried out at temperatures ranging from 200°C to 300°C to deal with these problems.The cotton stalk and wheat straw were torrefied in a fix-bed reactor at moderate temperatures (200°C,230°C,250°C,270°C and 300°C) under N 2 for 30min.The biomass chars after torrefaction had higher energy density and improved grindability characteristics compared with raw biomass and they also showed hydrophobic characteristics.The volatiles consist of a condensable fraction and a non-condensable fraction.The former mainly contained water and tar (organic products but mainly acetic acid).The non-condensable products are typically comprised of CO 2,CO and a small amount of CH 4 and even trace H 2.The volatiles increased with an increase in the torrefaction temperature but the solid yield and the energy yield decreased.However,the grindability and energy density of the biomass char showed great improvement.A kinetic study on the generation of the main non-condensable gases was undertaken and we conclude that the gases are formed by parallel independent first-order reactions.Characteristic kinetic parameters for the generation of each gas were determined. Agricultural biomass has some drawbacks such as high moisture content, low energy density and wide distribution and as a result, the cost of transport and storage are high. Moreover, raw biomass has poor grindability so its use in a pulverized boiler or entrained flow gasifier is difficult.Torrefaction is a mild pyrolysis process carried out at temperatures ranging from 200 ° C to 300 ° C to deal with these problems. cotton stalk and wheat straw were torrefied in a fix-bed reactor at moderate temperatures (200 ° C, 230 ° C, 250 ° C, 270 ° C and 300 ° C) under N2 for 30 minutes. The biomass chars after torrefaction had higher energy density and improved grindability characteristics than with biomass and they also showed that the volatiles consist of a condensable fraction and a non-condensable fraction. The former mainly contained water and tar (organic products but mainly acetic acid). The non-condensable products are typically comprised of CO 2, CO and a small amount of CH 4 and even trace H 2. The volatiles increased with an increase in the torrefaction temperature but the solid yield and the energy yield decreased. However, the grindability and energy density of the biomass char showed great improvement. A kinetic study on the generation of the main non-condensable gases was undertaken and we conclude that the gases are formed by parallel independent first-order reactions. Characterized kinetic parameters for the generation of each gas were determined.
在单个政府部门无力承担法律起草重任的情况下,寻求社会力量的支持就成为一个顺理成章的选择    崔若鸿被一封信搅得“异常激动”。   这封信来自太原市人大常委会,邀请山西财经大学法学院参加一个地方性法规——《太原市文化产业促进条例》(以下简称条例)草案的投标。  这是今年3月初的事,崔若鸿是山西财经大学法学院教师。  与山西财大法学院一同收到信件的,还有包括山西大学法学院、山西省法制研究所、太原市法
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