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八年前,我突然接到中联部寄来的一封信,打开一看是李一氓同志逝世的讣告,既未讲追悼会的日期,也没有让我去北京送别的意思,实际上就是一张通告,但我继续往后看,在另一张纸上印着他感人肺腑的遗言:“我的后事从简.只称一个老共产党人,不要任何其它称谓.不开告别会和追悼会.火化后我的骨灰撒在淮阴平原的大地上.”我最崇敬的一位老共产党人、师长、导师,就这样永远地、平平静静地离开了人间!李一氓同志的一生,是光辉的、战斗的一生.他是我们党内已为数不多的大革命前入党的资深革命家.北伐战争的,他与周恩来、郭沫若同在北伐军政治部共事;大革命失败后参加了南昌起义;瑞金时代,任国家保卫局执行部长;长征路上,任特种营教导员;抗日战争爆发,临危受命新四军秘书长,协助叶挺同志组建新四军;解放战争中转任苏皖边区政府主席;新中国成立后,他一直从事外事工作,先后担任国务院外事办公室副主任、中联部副部长,是我国最早派驻国外的“红色大使”.陈毅同志曾赞誉他是“党内少有的大知识分子”. Eight years ago, when I suddenly received a letter from the China United Nations Department, I opened an obituary to see the death of Comrade Li Yat-sen. I did not say the date of the memorial service or the meaning of letting me go to Beijing to give up my farewell. Zhang circular, but I continued to look back and printed his touching last words on another piece of paper: “I am a simple follower, only an old communist, without any other title. After cremation, my ashes were scattered on the land of Huaiyin Plain. ”An old communist, teacher, and mentor whom I admire most left the world peacefully and everlastingly! The life of Comrade Li Yi-lang is brilliant, He was one of the few revolutionary revolutionaries in our party who had already joined the Party before the Great Revolution. During the Northern Expedition, he worked with Zhou Enlai and Guo Moruo in the Political Department of the Northern Expedition; after the failure of the Great Revolution, he participated in the Nanchang Uprising; during the Ruijin period, The Executive Secretary of the State Security Bureau; on the Long March, he served as a special battalion instructor; the outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan broke out and ordered the Secretary-General of the New Fourth Army to help Yeh Teng Comrades form the New Fourth Army; during the liberation war, he was transferred to the chairman of the border government of Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces; and the founding of new China He has been engaged in foreign affairs, has served as deputy director of Foreign Affairs Office of the State Council, Vice Minister of the International Department, is the earliest expatriate “red ambassador.” Comrade Chen Yi had praised him as “the party of the few great intellectual.”