因为穷,他很早就辍学离开了家。惟一的行囊是装在兜里的一枚钥匙,上路前母亲交给他的:“孩子,要记得回家啊!” 在南方那座城市,他两手空空,除了满腔出人头地和发财的愿望。有人说,这个城市不看你的勋章、学位和文凭,而是看你的伤痕,对初来乍到的人更是如此。他不怕,因此他选择了最苦最累别人都不愿做的事。为着那个美丽的梦想,他经受了生活的种种考验,按照自己的愿望艰难地打磨和改造自己。城市是个巨大的魔方,里面充满着各种可能。几年后,历尽辛苦的他凭着精明的头脑、良好的人际关系、超出常人的毅力终于迈出了第一步,而且有了一笔不算太少的存款。某天清晨醒来,抬头看见那枚挂在墙壁上的钥匙,他怔住了。“孩子,要记得回家啊!”母亲的话在耳边响起,这些年除了汇些钱回家,他从未回去过。他把钥匙取下来,贴在胸口,眼睛渐渐模糊了。没有一个母亲可以长生不老,也没有一样东西永久存在。面对自己挣来的财富,他忽然发现自己其实仍旧两手空空什么都没有,只有胸口这枚已被铜锈包裹的钥匙。几天后的一个黄昏,他风尘仆仆地回到了村子。
Because of poor, he dropped out of school long ago. The only luggage is a key in his pocket, the mother gave him before the road: “Children, remember to go home!” In the south of the city, he hands empty, in addition to filled with the desire to make head and fortune. Some people say that the city does not look at your medal, degree and diploma, but on your scars, especially for first-timers. He was not afraid, so he chose the most bitter and most tired of others are unwilling to do. For that beautiful dream, he has endured the test of life, according to their own wishes difficult to polish and transform themselves. The city is a huge cube, full of possibilities. A few years later, after all, he worked hard with a smart mind, good interpersonal relationships, beyond the perseverance of ordinary people finally took the first step, but also with a not too small deposit. One day when I woke up in the morning and looked up at the key hanging on the wall, he was shocked. “Children, remember to go home!” "Mother’s words sounded in my ears, all these years in addition to some money to go home, he never went back. He removed the key and put it on his chest, his eyes fading away. No mother can live forever, and no one exists forever. In the face of his own earned wealth, he suddenly found himself in fact empty-handed nothing, only the chest has been wrapped in copper keys. One evening after a few days, he returned to the village in a dusty way.