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  Curiosity not only killed the cat, but did a number on Pandora too. Don’t open the box, they said. Bad things will happen, they said. Taboo! they said. Pfft, taboo? Who cares about that!
  Well, a great many people actually. And not just people, but our cultures, societies, and religions (check out The Psychology of Taboo for an in depth look). My dog even understands, if not the word, at least the concept of taboo—she knows not to pee on the carpet, and woe the unfortunate soul who tries to steal her favourite toy. So yes, poor Pandora, taboo does matter.
  It especially matters where love is concerned. Of course, things are less binding than before, and we’ve moved a long way from the days of arranged marriages and concubines, but even in this modern day and age we see taboo wrapping its fingers around our most intimate interactions. Struggles of social standing, discriminatory patterns, or simple cultural conditioning can lead us to either abandon or forge ahead in love (see Frozen Love and No More Rules, No More Love for more on this). Whichever route it pushes for, taboo is there, never far from love’s side.
  And there are, without a doubt, many paths that taboo can take. Depending on where, when, and to whom you were born, taboos can differ wildly (take a look at The Taboos that Are Swallowed Down and Spit Out for some good examples). There are similarities however, and parallels of belief are common, if not exactly the same: Where a Hindu wouldn’t eat beef due to religious taboos, an American might be vegan for reasons of economics. It’s the same taboo with different origins (see To Feng Shui or Not to Feng Shui for more parallels).
  The minute Pandora opened that box, she knew there was a reason it had been “taboo-ed”. We may not always understand our taboos, and like Pandora we may be tempted to open up the box just to see what’s inside—even though exploring personal taboos might have devastating effects. But don’t forget, even Pandora found something worthy of her curiosity in the end—hope.
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