谈讽刺动画中的音乐 ——主要以动画短片《人鱼》为例

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音乐之于动画就像是森林里少不了动物和溪流。如果森林少了潺潺的溪流声和欢快的鸟啼声,那么那片森林距离死神也不远了。也就是说音乐对于动画非常重要,音乐是动画的灵魂。一部好的动画势必会有与之匹配的能打动人心的音乐和效果。如果动画中的音乐太差或是不合适,那么不管制作得有多么精良的动画都不会有太好的收益。而今在动画学术界中谈论有关动画音乐的研究和论文有很多,可大多数所谈论到的动画音乐也只是针对某一部动画或是动画这个大的范围,对于某一种类型的动画音乐去做研究的还是不多,特别是我将要谈及的讽刺类动画的音乐研究。我之所以将讽刺动画的音乐作为研究对象,不仅是开拓读者的视野,更多的是在于帮助自己在讽刺类动画的创作上有更好的理解和帮助,让自己在创作动画的领域上有所创新。 Music to animations is like an endless stream of animals and streams in the forest. If the forest less murmur of streams and cheerful birds cry, then the forest is not far from death. That is to say the music is very important to the animation, the music is the soul of animation. A good animation is bound to be able to match the exciting music and effects. If the animation in the animation is too poor or inappropriate, then no matter how well-crafted animation will not have a good income. Nowadays, there are many research and essays about animation music in the animation academia. Most of the animated music that we are talking about is only directed to a large area of ​​an animation or animation. For a certain type of animation music, There is not much to be done, especially the satirical animations of music that I’m going to talk about. The reason why I take the satirical animation as the research object is not only to open up the reader’s field of vision but also to help myself better understand and help in the creation of satirical animations, Innovative.
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摘要:传统的观念认为,体育是一项身体综合素质的比拼,比如身高、力量和速度。体育舞蹈的出现改变了这种片面认识,让人们认识到体育也可是艺术性的,具有美感的。对于体育舞蹈而言,其集观赏性与技巧性于一身,具有明显的美学特征。在查阅权威文献的基础上,笔者结合自身的工作经验把体育舞蹈的美学特征总结如下:健康美、身体美、运动美、造型美、服饰美、音乐美。  关键词:体育舞蹈;美学特征;体育项目;艺术价值  体育舞
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