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随着互联网时代的来临,催生出不少新鲜事物。近些年,以点对点形式的P2P网贷如雨后春笋般在我国快速发展,但在其快速成长过程中不免面临着法律风险,投资风险和资金风险。这时,需要实力强大的金融机构为其信用或资金担保,保险公司作为发现风险,控制风险,分散风险的最专业机构,无疑是与P2P网贷公司结合的最佳选择。 With the advent of the Internet age, many new things are born. In recent years, peer-to-peer P2P network loans have mushroomed in China, but they are inevitably facing legal risk, investment risk and capital risk in their rapid growth. At this time, the need for strong financial institutions for their credit or financial guarantee, insurance companies as risk management, risk control, risk diversification of the most professional institutions, is undoubtedly the best combination of P2P network lending companies.