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应用哲学的诞生是我国理论界出现的一种新现象。那么,作为马克思主义哲学的一个独立分支学科的应用哲学,究竟有无必要建立和存在下去呢?自它问世以来,引起了广泛、持久的争论,聚讼纷纭,分歧如同冰炭。笔者对这个问题的回答是肯定的,这里仅从马克思主义哲学史的角度,谈一些不成熟的断想。首先,从时代看,哲学的应用化是马克思主义哲学的一个重要内涵。在1943年3月18日的《莱茵报》上,年仅25岁的主编马克思,为抗议普鲁士政府查封《莱菌报》,刊登了一幅自我写照的政治漫画——被锁链锁住的普罗米修斯。马克思在人类思想史上之所以能够处于盗火者的地位,除了他个人的天才外,更重要的是时代。马克思登上理论舞台的19世纪上半叶,是资本主义“世纪之墙开始倒塌”的“世纪的转换”的时代。1825年的第一次经济危机,英国宪章运动、法国里昂工人起义和德国西里西亚工人起义,宣告了在人类历史上起过非常革命作用的资产阶级已历史地开始走向反面,曾如 The birth of philosophy of application is a new phenomenon that has emerged in theorists in our country. So, as an independent branch of Marxist philosophy applied philosophy, whether it is necessary to establish and exist? Since its inception, it has caused widespread and lasting controversy, divergent views, disagreements like ice. The author’s answer to this question is affirmative, here only from the perspective of the history of Marxist philosophy, talk about some immature ideas. First of all, from the time perspective, the application of philosophy is an important connotation of Marxist philosophy. In his March 18, 1943, edition of the Rheinische Zeitung, Marx, editor-in-chief of the age of 25, published a self-portraying political comic in protest of the Prussian government’s seizure of the “Reichstag” Michius. In the history of human thought, Marx was able to be in the position of stealing fire. In addition to his own personal genius, the more important is the era. The first half of the nineteenth century when Marx took the theoretical stage was an era of “the transformation of the century” in which “the wall of the century collapsed” in capitalism. The first economic crisis in 1825, the British Charter Movement, the workers ’uprising in Lyon, France and the workers’ uprising in Silesian Germany proclaimed that the bourgeoisie, which had played a very revolutionary role in human history, has historically started to turn negative.
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诃子 Terminalia chebula Retz 及其变种T.chebula Retz.var.tomentella Kurt 干燥成熟果实用于治疗伴有出血和直肠脱垂的腹泻、伴有咽喉痛和声嘶的慢性咳嗽。作者研究了诃