Comparison of measurement of n-octanol/water partition coefficient of organic ions by RP-HPLC and RP

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rabbitwangli
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n-Octanol/water partition coefficient (logKow) is an important physicochemical parameter to characterize the hydrophobicity of organic compounds. The quantitative relationships of logKow vs. retention values in RP-HPLC and logKow vs. retention values in RP-IPC and solute charges have been derived. The validity of those relationships has been confirmed with 21 sulphonic acids as the tested compounds. It has been observed that for the organic ions with weakly retained or non-retention in RP-HPLC, RP-IPC gives much higher accuracy to predict the logKow values than RP-HPLC does. It is possibile to predict the logKow values of organic ions by RP-IPC. n-Octanol / water partition coefficient (logKow) is an important physicochemical parameter to characterize the hydrophobicity of organic compounds. The quantitative relationships of logKow vs. retention values ​​in RP-HPLC and logKow vs. retention values ​​in RP-IPC and solute charges have has been observed that for the organic ions with weakly retained or non-retention in RP-HPLC, RP-IPC gives much higher accuracy to predict The logKow values ​​than RP-HPLC does. It is possibile to predict the logKow values ​​of organic ions by RP-IPC.
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