形形色色的雷明顿现代0.22英寸边缘发火式运动枪弹雷明顿0.22英寸边缘发火式运动枪弹主要用于射击比春和各种形式的射击运动,并以高品质和可靠的性能满足多样化个性的需求。0.22英寸高速金黄色弹头长步枪弹(上面的是空尖弹头, 下面的是铅弹头)。空尖弹头,弹头质量2.33g,初速384m/s;铅弹头.弹头质量2.59g,初速377m/s 杰出代表--0.22英寸边缘发火式枪弹0.22英寸边缘发火短弹(0.22英寸短弹) 0.22英寸短弹是美国大批量生产的、最老式的金属整装枪弹,于1857年为史密斯-韦森1号转轮手枪研制,至今已生产了148个年头, 目前仍然在世界各地广泛使用,特别是在奥林匹克运动会的射击比赛及其他重要的手枪射击比赛中。该弹按精度分类,设计之初是作为自
A Variety of Remington Modern 0.22-Inch Fire Dynamite Bullets Remington 0.22-Inch Fire Dynamite Bullets are primarily designed to shoot more than spring and all manner of shooting motions and to meet diverse personalities with high quality and dependable performance demand. 0.22-inch high-speed golden warhead long rifle (hollow tip above, below the lead bullet). 2.53g, muzzle velocity 377m / s Outstanding Representation - 0.22 inch edge-fired firearm 0.22 inch edge fire-fired short bullet (0.22-inch short bounce) 0.22 inch The short bullet, the oldest mass-produced U.S. metal bullet in the United States, was developed for the Smith-Wesson 1 revolver in 1857 and has been in production for 148 years and is still widely used around the world, especially In the Olympic Games shooting competitions and other important pistol shooting competitions. The bomb by the accuracy classification, the beginning of the design as a self