九运会跆拳道比赛10月9日在秋高气爽的深圳降下帷幕,成为深圳赛区第一个结束的赛事。 37支代表队的152名运动员在这里展开了为期4天、4轮、148场激战,分别决出了男女共8个级别的奖牌。这次比赛是跆拳道运动在中国首次列为全运会项目,是中国跆拳道史上规格最高、规模最大、争夺最激烈的一次比赛。各路好手使出浑身解数,比出了水平,打出了风采,是对中国跆拳道正式开展几年来的一次阅兵,也是迎战奥运的一次全面检验。 中国9年前才开展跆拳道运动,1995年正式设全国锦标赛,同年组建国家家集训队。中国在这个项目
9th National Games Taekwondo Competition October 9 in Shenzhen autumn came to an end, Shenzhen Division of the first race. A total of 152 athletes from 37 teams started four days, four rounds and 148 fierce fighting battles here, setting a total of eight medals for men and women respectively. This competition is the first time that Taekwondo has been listed as a National Games in China and is the highest-profile, largest and most contested competition in the history of Taekwondo in China. Various players make every attempt to extricate themselves, out of the level, played a style, is the official launch of Chinese Taekwondo a military parade in recent years, but also against the Olympic Games a comprehensive test. China kicked off the Taekwondo nine years ago. In 1995, it set up a national championship. In the same year, a national team was set up. China in this project