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Mature amphioxus ( Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense ) collected by trawl in June, 1994 from Qingdao Shazikou sea area bottom sands, were cultured under controlled indoor conditions, where they spawned and their eggs were fertilized and hatched into larvae which gradually settled at the bottom and dug into the sands after 40-50 days culture in a water trough outdoors. The total survival rate of the larvae(LSR)was 5.5% before they went into the sands, 1.9% in 4 months, 0.7% in 10 months. The survival rate of the young fish which had dug into the sands (YSR) was 35.6% in 4 months, and 12.6% in 10 months. The amphioxus number tended to be constant from the 11th month on. In the first five months after incubation, the amphioxus body length increased by an average of about 1.5 mm a month, and about 0.4 mm a month from Dec. to May of next year. The maximum length after ten months was 24 mm; the average was about 11 mm. After two years culture in the water trough, the maximum length could reach 34-35 mm, when the amphioxus gonads began to develop. Mature amphioxus (Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense) collected by trawl in June, 1994 from Qingdao Shazikou sea area bottom sands, were cultured under controlled indoor conditions, where they spawned and their eggs were fertilized and hatched into larvae which resulted in the bottom settled and dug into the sands after 40-50 days culture in a water trough outdoors. The total survival rate of the larvae (LSR) was 5.5% before they went into the sands, 1.9% in 4 months, 0.7% in 10 months. The survival rate of the young fish which had dug into the sands (YSR) was 35.6% in 4 months, and 12.6% in 10 months. The amphioxus number tended to be constant from the 11th month on. The first five months after incubation, the amphioxus body length increased by an average of about 1.5 mm a month, and about 0.4 mm a month from Dec. to May of next year. The maximum length after ten months was 24 mm; the average was about 11 mm. After two years culture in the water trough, the maximum length coul d reach 34-35 mm, when the amphioxus gonads began to develop.
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