背景 献血前尽管作了广泛的宣传,一些具有高危行为的献血者仍然在继续献血。从筛选前教育材料中获得的知识应可以促使危险供者自我延期献血,但是不清楚捐血者阅读和理解这些材料的仔细程度。研究 对登记的34,726位同种供血者作匿名信调查,就回复的1993份资料进行分析。关于献血者对教育材料的阅读程度,对这些教育材料的理解认识程度以及因此获得有关HIV新知识等方面的问题,按首次(FT)献血和重复(RPT)献血区分,以及按年龄、性别、人种/种族和受教育程度等
Background Although blood donations were widely publicized before, some blood donors with high-risk behavior continued to donate blood. The knowledge gained from pre-screening educational materials should encourage dangerous donors to postpone their blood donation, but it is not clear how carefully blood donors read and understand these materials. The study investigated 34,726 homologous blood donors who were registered, and analyzed the 1993 responses. Regarding the level of reading of educational materials by blood donors, the level of understanding of these educational materials, and the problems associated with obtaining new knowledge about HIV, the distinction is made between first-time (FT) blood donation and repeated (RPT) blood donation, and by age, gender, Race/ethnicity and educational level