根据工作需要,邱承模同志于一九八七年初被派到县电大担任电大工作站筹建工作。当时只有一个电大教学班和一名青年教师,在县教师进修学校上课。教学设备方面,仅有一台彩电,其它一无所有。 邱承模同志有着强烈的事业心,工作认真踏实,一丝不拘,勇于改革,敢于开拓。他虽已年过半百,身患多种疾病,仍不辞劳苦,四处奔波,怀着一颗赤诚之心,三翻五次向有关单位求援集资。同时,他抓了即将毕业的化学班教学与实习工作。由于工作站人手极少,他既是副主任,又是班主任,又是任课教师。一切工作都要靠他考虑和布署,他常常亲自带头干。他兼任化学班英语课辅导教学,白天忙于行政管理事务和教学工作,每天晚上备课、改作业,直至深
According to the needs of the work, Comrade Qiu Chengmo was sent to the TVU in early 1987 as a preparatory work for the TVU’s workstation. At that time, there was only one TVU teaching class and one young teacher, attending a county teacher training school. Teaching equipment, only one color TV, the other nothing. Comrade Qiu Chengmo has a strong sense of dedication, work conscientiously, a trace, courage in reform, dare to open up. Although he is already over 50 years old and suffering from various diseases, he still lives in painstaking efforts and travels around. With a sincere heart, he turned to the relevant units for funding assistance three times in a row. At the same time, he caught graduating chemistry class teaching and internship work. Due to the small number of workstations, he is both deputy director, teacher and teacher. All work depends on him to consider and deploy, he often personally take the lead. He also serves as a tutorial class for English classes in chemistry class. He is busy with administrative affairs and teaching during the day. He prepares lessons every evening and changes his homework until deep