
来源 :法制与社会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leafxzc
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罗纳德·奥普斯欲借父之手杀害其母,反将恰巧跳楼自杀的本人杀死的美国奇案曾震惊世界,罗纳德·奥普斯最终被认定为自杀。若将案件置于中国法律制度下重新审视会得出不同的结论:其跳楼行为构成自杀既遂,其“借枪杀人”的行为构成故意杀人未遂。本文认为分析他杀故意下的自杀行为的性质,关键是判断行为人行为的个数,进而把他杀故意下的自杀行为分为两种不同类型。 Ronald Opus wants to kill his mother by his father’s hand, and the American case that killed himself in the wake of a suicide attempt happened to have shocked the world. Ronald Opus was eventually found guilty of suicide. If the case is placed under review in the Chinese legal system, it will lead to a different conclusion: the act of jumping off the building constitutes a suicide attempt and the attempt of “killing by a gun” constitutes an attempted murder. This article argues that the key to analyzing the nature of suicide committed by him deliberately is to judge the number of the behavior of the perpetrator and further divide the suicidal behavior of his intentional killing into two different types.