【摘 要】
甘薯原产南美,具有耐瘠薄、干旱、适应性广、栽培容易、产量高等特点。自从十六世纪传入我国以来,种植范围几乎遍及全国。长期以来,我国对甘薯的利用,主要是作为粮食作物。但随着农村产业结构的调整和人民生活需求的变化,甘薯已转变为经济作物和饲料作物。为此,了解甘薯的营养成分,尤其是蛋白质含量、分布的规律,将有助于促进这一转化,进一步提高甘薯的利用价值。 甘薯块根和茎叶中的蛋白质含量 据我国台湾学者李良研究,甘薯块根蛋
Sweet native to South America, with barren, drought, wide adaptability, easy cultivation, high yield. Since its introduction into our country in the 16th century, cultivation has spread almost throughout the country. For a long time, the utilization of sweet potato in our country is mainly as food crops. However, with the adjustment of rural industrial structure and the changing needs of people’s lives, sweet potatoes have been transformed into cash crops and forage crops. To this end, to understand the nutritional components of sweet potato, especially protein content, distribution of laws will help promote this transformation and further improve the utilization value of sweet potato. Protein content of tubers and stems and leaves of sweet potato According to my study in Taiwan, Li Liang, sweet potato tuber
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