英雄未过美人关 《亮剑》原型王近山往事

来源 :爱情婚姻家庭(冷暖人生) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hghg2000
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他没想到,因为爱上妻子的妹妹,竟惊动了毛泽东……电视剧《亮剑》中的主人公李云龙的原型,是原北京军区副司令员王近山。这个在战场上被称为“王疯子”的中将,一生充满了传奇色彩——15岁参加红军,20岁成为红军年轻的师长;他无数次血洒疆场,手残腿瘸还带兵入朝,写下他戎马生涯中最精彩的绝笔。然而,这个闯过无数生死关的将军,却未能闯过情爱关,一颗著名将星从此陨落。 He did not expect, because fell in love with his wife’s sister, actually alerted Mao Zedong ... ... TV series “Sword” protagonist Li Yunlong’s prototype is the deputy commander of the Beijing Military Region Wang Jianshan. Known as the “Wang Lun Zi” on the battlefield, this life is full of legend - the 15-year-old joined the Red Army and became the Red Army’s young teacher at the age of 20. He had numerous blood on the battlefield, Soldiers into the North, wrote his career in the most wonderful military coup. However, this general who had passed through innumerable lives and deaths failed to pass through his passions of love. A famous star starred from there.