中枢性尿崩症是儿科常见内分泌疾病之一,可继发于出生窒息,但合并原发性肾病综合征,极罕见。现报告所遇1例,并就其诊断和治疗的特殊性介绍如下。患儿男,3(1/12)岁。烦渴多饮、多尿3年,浮肿、蛋白尿4月。出生时有重度窒息史,Apgar 评分不详,母孕6月时有服农药史。出生后3月出现消瘦无力,多饮、多尿,每日饮水6000ml,尿量3000~4000ml,尿比重0。发病18月后来我院就诊。查尿禁饮试验阳性,垂体加压素试验阳性,用长效尿崩停治疗有效,
Central diabetes insipidus is one of the common pediatric endocrine diseases, secondary to birth asphyxia, but the merger of primary nephrotic syndrome, extremely rare. Now report 1 case, and the diagnosis and treatment of its particularity are described below. Children male, 3 (1/12) years old. Polydipsia, polyuria 3 years, edema, proteinuria in April. A history of severe asphyxia at birth, Apgar score unknown, pregnant women in June when serving a history of pesticides. After birth in March appeared weightless, drink more, more urine, daily drinking water 6000ml, urine output 3000 ~ 4000ml, urine specific gravity. 18 months after onset of our hospital treatment. Check urine test ban positive, pituitary hormone test positive, long-acting diabetes insipidus treatment effective,