党政“一把手”在各个单位中处于主导地位,对一个地方或一个单位的内部管理、工作推动、职工队伍建设起着关键作用。党的十六大报告要求各级干部要提高科学判断形势的能力、驾驭市场经济的能力、应对复杂局面的能力、依法执政的能力和拒腐防变的能力,具体到每个基层领导同志身上,可以细化为八种能力: 一、明辨是非的能力第一,要勤于学习。学习是提高领导干部各种能力的重要手段。领导干部学习,要解决好想学、会学、认真学的问题。想学,就是要树立学习是生存之本,是谋求生存发展的当务之急的新理念;会学,就是讲究学习方法,善于挤时间学,有选择地学,结合自己的工作、生活持之以恒地学;认真
Party and government “top leaders” dominate in various units and play a key role in the internal management, work promotion and workforce building of a local or a unit. The report of the 16th National Congress of the CPC demands that cadres at all levels should improve their ability to scientifically judge the situation, control their market economy, their ability to cope with complex situations, their ability to govern according to law and their ability to resist corruption and prevent corruption. Specifically, every leading cadre at the grassroots level , Can be refined into eight kinds of abilities: First, the ability to distinguish between right and wrong First, diligent in learning. Learning is an important means of improving the capabilities of leading cadres. Leading cadres to learn, to solve a good want to learn, will learn, serious study of the problem. Want to learn, is to establish a learning is the basis of survival, is to seek survival and development of the most urgent new ideas; learning, that is, pay attention to learning methods, good at squeeze time learning, selective learning, with their own work, life, persevere in learning; serious