“哇,哇……”一个新的生命降生在低于海平面一百五十米的新疆吐鲁番五星公社五星大队汉族社员陈香菊家里。满脸汗水的维吾尔族接生员、女共产党员热沙来提汗,慢慢摘下口罩,长长地舒了一口气,现出慰藉的微笑,庆幸这个“日食”天难产的幼儿和他的母亲终于得救了。 1980年2月16日,“日食”那天下午,第八生产队的陈香菊难产,去请热沙来提汗接生。她丈夫和婆婆硬是不让她去,说:“今天你可千万去不得,日食天难产是不祥之兆
“Wow, wow ......” A new life was born in the hometown of Han, a member of the five-star Brigade of the Five-Star Brigade in Turpan, Xinjiang, 150 meters below sea level. Sweaty Uygur birth attendants, female communist hot sand to mention Khan, slowly took off his masks, took a long sigh of relief, showing a comforting smile, fortunate to this “solar eclipse” days of childbirth and he The mother was finally saved. February 16, 1980, “solar eclipse” that afternoon, the eighth production team Chen Hongju dystocia, go hot sand to mention Khan delivery. Her husband and mother-in-law just did not let her go and said: "Today you can never go, eclipse day drumbeat is ominous