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人类最早的文化发生在埃及和两河流域南部巴比仑。埃及和巴比仑古代文化的可贵,不仅在于它们出现的时间最早,而且也在于它们为世界留下了宝贵的遗产。在世界文化体系中,至今还闪烁着古代埃及和巴比仑智慧的光辉。埃及和巴比仑的古代文化对人类的影响是多方面的。本文只从三个方面阐述它们在世界历史上的意义,即:一、文字,二、建筑,三、科学。埃及和巴比仑的文学和宗教,也曾对其它民族发生或多或少的影响。流传于西亚一带的吉伽美什史诗,可以溯源于苏美尔时代;为古代许多民族所信奉的死后裁判和宇宙一神的观念,也可以和埃及奥西里斯的神秘教仪以及埃赫那吞的阿吞神相联系。但是前者的影响比较局限于一时一地,后者的影响对推动人类的文明没有积极的作用。从世界文化遗产的角度估价,它们都不 The earliest human culture took place in Egypt and Babylon in the southern two rivers. The ancient culture of Egypt and Babylon is so valuable not only that they first appeared, but that they also left a valuable legacy to the world. In the world cultural system, the brilliant wisdom of ancient Egypt and Babylon is still flashing. The influence of ancient cultures in Egypt and Babylon on human beings is multifaceted. This article only expounds their significance in the history of the world from three aspects: First, the text, two, architecture, three, science. The literature and religions in Egypt and Babylon also had more or less the effect on other peoples. The Ji Ji Meish epics circulating in West Asia can be traced back to Sumerian times. The concept of the death referee and universal monotheism enshrined in many ancient peoples can also be used in conjunction with the occult instrument of Osiris of Egypt and the Egyptian Engunged God swallow contact. However, the influence of the former is limited to the moment, and the influence of the latter has no positive effect on the promotion of human civilization. From the point of view of world cultural heritage, they are not