“水立方”留给全世界人们的印象,除了其独特的外表,还有其内涵。它可算得上是美貌与智慧并存的“建筑维纳斯”。 “闭上眼想像一下水立方吧。白天明媚的阳光透过这些蓝色的泡泡洒进来,你躺在人造沙滩上,耳边是涛声,还有冲浪的人们兴奋的叫声;到了夜晚,月亮升起来,变幻莫测的灯光映照在建筑物的外表上,这简直就是一座蓝色的水晶宫殿……”在4月中旬举行的“好运北京”测试赛中,当记者走到国
The “Water Cube” left an impression on people around the world, in addition to its unique appearance and its connotation. It can be regarded as “Building Venus” where beauty and wisdom coexist. “Close your eyes and think about the Water Cube. The bright sunshine during the day comes in through these blue bubbles. You lie on the man-made beach, the waves are on your ears, and the screaming excitement of the surfers; At night, the moon rises and the unpredictable light shines on the exterior of the building. This is simply a blue crystal palace...“ In the ”Good Luck Beijing" test tournament held in mid-April, when The reporter went to the country