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美国是最早进入老龄化的国家之一,养老制度健全,养老院相对来说比较多,有社区公办的,也有私立的。今年春天我们走访了北卡罗来纳州,发现美国老人退休后生活自理能力很强,健康地过着高质量的生活。美国老人很注重锻炼身体,他们认为身体健康是医疗保健的关键,他们采取吃质量更好的低脂肪食物、停止、服用像阿司匹林这类普通药品来防止心脏病,以及进行更多的体育锻炼。 The United States is one of the earliest countries to enter the country with an aging population. Its pension system is relatively healthy. The nursing homes are relatively large, with both public and private communities. When we visited North Carolina this spring, we found that the elderly in the United States have a strong ability to take care of themselves and live a healthy life after retirement. The elderly in the United States are focused on exercising. They think that good health is the key to health care. They take low-fat foods of better quality, stop, take generic medicines like aspirin to prevent heart disease, and do more physical exercises.
北京时间3月25日消息,据国外媒体报道,美国重金属乐队GWAR主唱戴夫·布罗基(Dave Brockie)已于当地时间周日晚上被人发现在他位于弗吉尼亚州里奇蒙德的家中去世,年仅五十岁。  一位里奇蒙德当地警方的发言人在接受采访时称,当天,大约在东部时间下午的六点五十三分,警方接到报案称有人身亡。当警方到达现场之后,他们发现了已经在家中身亡的戴夫·布罗基。警方在第一时间内基本排除了谋杀的可能性,目前