目的观察自发性糖尿病C57BL/KsJ-db/db小鼠胰腺、肾脏、睾丸和卵巢的常规病理变化。方法取血糖高于10.1 mmol/L的2、7、12月龄db/db纯合仔小鼠,摘眼球放血后取胰腺、肾、睾丸、卵巢放入10%福尔马林溶液中,HE染色,常规病理切片。结果 7、12月龄胰腺见淋巴细胞浸润,部分胰岛体积较大,小导管样病变有增生扩张及潴溜;小鼠肾脏见部分肾小球细胞数增多,系膜细胞增生,系膜基质增多;卵巢较小,卵泡较少,未见黄体;睾丸生精功能弱。结论 C57BL/KsJ-db/db小鼠的自发性糖尿病会在一定程度上出现胰腺、肾脏、睾丸和卵巢等脏器发生病理改变。
Objective To observe the routine pathological changes of pancreas, kidney, testis and ovary in spontaneous diabetic C57BL / KsJ-db / db mice. Methods The db / db homozygous mice at 2, 7 and 12 months of age whose blood glucose was higher than 10.1 mmol / L were taken from the eyes and the pancreas, kidney, testis and ovary were taken out of 10% formalin solution after bloodletting. HE Staining, routine pathology. Results 7, 12-month-old pancreas see lymphocyte infiltration, part of the islet volume larger, small duct-like lesions with hyperplastic expansion and retention slip; mouse kidney see part of the glomerular cells increased mesangial cell proliferation, mesangial matrix increased ; Smaller ovaries, fewer follicles, no corpus luteum; testicular spermatogenesis weak. Conclusions Spontaneous diabetes mellitus (C57BL / KsJ-db / db) may cause pathological changes in some organs such as pancreas, kidney, testis and ovary to a certain extent.