目的以153Sm标记的抗AFP单克隆抗体对荷人原发性肝癌移植瘤裸鼠进行肿瘤定位显像的研究。为肝癌早期诊断提供一种新方法,并为其临床应用提供实验依据。方法每只裸鼠从尾静脉注射7.4 MBq/0.1 ml于注射后24、、82、4 h行全身SPECT显像。于4、8、24 h分批处死裸鼠并测定分别在肿瘤、血液、心脏、肺等重要脏器单位重量的放射性比值(%ID/g).结果结果:153Sm-AFP能够选择性地积聚于肿瘤组织,其摄取率高于153Sm-IgG,(P<0.05)。结论153Sm-AFP在荷人肝癌裸鼠体内,对过度表达AFP的肝癌具有集合力。为临床上肝癌的诊断提供实验依据。
OBJECTIVE: To study the tumor localization imaging of human hepatocellular carcinoma xenografts in nude mice by anti-AFP monoclonal antibody labeled with 153Sm. Provide a new method for early diagnosis of liver cancer, and provide experimental basis for its clinical application. Methods Whole body SPECT imaging was performed at 24, 82, and 4 h after injection in each nude mouse injected with 7.4 MBq/0.1 ml from the tail vein. The nude mice were sacrificed in batches at 4, 8, and 24 h and the radioactivity ratio (%ID/g) of the unit weights of important organs such as tumor, blood, heart, and lung was measured. Results: 153Sm-AFP was able to selectively accumulate In tumor tissues, the uptake rate was higher than 153Sm-IgG (P<0.05). Conclusions 153Sm-AFP has amassing force on hepatocellular carcinoma overexpressing AFP in hepatoma-bearing nude mice. Provide experimental basis for the diagnosis of liver cancer.