
来源 :当代法学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jxpyq
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60年前,世界反法西斯战争取得了胜利,联合国成立。自此,世界历史开启了一个新的篇章,国际法也迈入了一个崭新的阶段。60年来,国际社会汲取以往的经验与教训,国际法律秩序在联合国的主导之下正在形成。然而,由于世界关系格局的影响,联合国的宗旨未得完全实现,联合国的原则未能尽被遵守。联合国的各个行动领域均或多或少的存在缺憾。适逢今年联合国大会于其对联合国的改革问题进行详尽探讨,以图在内部机制和所涉事务领域展开新的局面。为此,本刊约请了吉林大学法学院国际法教研部、国际法与比较法研究所的部分教研人员,从不同的侧面对这一问题进行简短的商讨。由于篇幅的限制,相关的讨论未能畅所欲言,惟盼能促使海内外学人更多从规范和学理的角度谈就联合国的发展乃至国际法治的未来。 Sixty years ago, the world anti-fascist war won and the United Nations was established. Since then, world history has opened a new chapter and international law has entered a completely new stage. Over the past 60 years, the international community has learned from past experiences and lessons learned and the international legal order is under the leadership of the United Nations. However, due to the influence of the world relations, the purposes of the United Nations have not been fully realized and the UN principles can not be observed. All areas of the United Nations have more or less the same shortcomings. This year coincides with a detailed discussion by the United Nations General Assembly on its reform of the United Nations so as to launch a new situation in the area of ​​internal mechanisms and affairs. To this end, the magazine invited Jilin University School of Law Department of International Law, International Law and Comparative Law, part of the teaching and research staff from different aspects of this issue for a brief discussion. Due to the limitation of space, the relevant discussions have failed to speak their mind freely, hoping to encourage more scholars at home and abroad to talk more about the future of the development of the United Nations and even the rule of law in terms of norms and theories.
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