【摘 要】
Now lift the new city, likes to eat apples I am afraid I seldom do not know. This mountainous area town in the northeastern part of Beijing boasts more than 10 million yuan of economic benefits of producing 2.5 million apple trees and 2.5 million kilograms of high-quality apples per year. It not only improves the lives of more than 2,000 peasant households, Round their dreams of getting rich, but also enrich the fruit plate of the capital, for the people
By making negative factors such as cash flow clog, consumption needs recession, trade protectionism aggravation, RMB appreciation and so on; the economic cr
Utah State University (USU) has been involved in international rural development efforts (research, technical assistance, and outreach) since the 1920s.Duri
Forage crop breeding in Canada has been carried out for close to 100 years by plant breeders at various universities and at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
“预防病从口入”,在痢疾、肺结核等传染病肆疟的年代,可谓精辟的防病箴言;今天,各国医学界在此基础上又提出的“预防病从脑入和病从环境入”,也同样有其时代的印记。 10多
Anthropological activities including modem agriculture have caused environmental pollution, and so people began to pay attention to safe food, As a result o