“没奈何”者,千斤银锭也。 清代,晋商在恰克图(当时地处中俄边境,现为蒙俄边境)垄断了对俄贸易,长达两个世纪。进入道光时期(1821—1850年)为其空前繁荣阶段。晋商以茶叶易回俄国的皮毛、皮张和毛呢等。但是,在易货中,俄方仅用这些物资,已远远不能抵偿进口的茶价,因此贸易出现严重逆差,每年逆差达一、二百万卢布。因俄国当时禁止白银外流,俄商为逃避法规的限制,遂用“汉堡银”——德国汉堡或莱茵河上法兰克福所
“How can we?”, also worthy of silver ingots. In the Qing Dynasty, Shanxi merchants monopolized trade with Russia at Chuktu (which was on the Sino-Russian border, now the border of Mongolia and Russia) for two centuries. Into the period of Daoguang (1821 - 1850) was an unprecedented period of prosperity. The Shanxi merchants used tea to return Russia’s fur, hides, and wool. However, in the barter, the Russians only use these materials and they are far from able to compensate for the imported tea prices. Therefore, the trade has a serious deficit. The annual deficit is one or two million rubles. Because Russia banned the outflow of silver at the time, Russian businessmen used “Hamburg Silver” to escape restrictions of the regulations – Hamburg, Germany or Frankfurt on the Rhine.