在中国共产党的领导下,经过20多年的改革开放,中国开始强大起来——地球人都知道! 在“允许一部分人先富起来”的政策感召下,依靠诚实、勤劳和智慧,中国人开始富裕起来——世界上都承认! 看上去,中国人似乎真的富起来了,富裕到喝天价茶、睡天价床、吃天价宴已不算新鲜事的地步,富裕到每平方米均价4万元的豪宅相当抢手、888万元一辆的豪车不乏人买
Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, after more than two decades of reform and opening up, China has started to grow stronger. People in the world know it. Under the policy of “allowing some people to get rich first”, the Chinese are starting to be rich by virtue of honesty, hard work and wisdom It seems that the Chinese people seem to really get rich, wealthy to drink high price tea, bed price, eat high price feast is nothing new, wealthy to an average price of 40,000 per square meter Yuan mansion is quite sought-after, there is no shortage of people to buy a luxury car of 8.88 million yuan