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一、复合方案1.GFA(木质素磺酸钙)0.3%+Na_2SO_4(硫酸钠)2%+N(C_2F_4OH)_3(三乙醇胺)0.03%(掺量为占水泥重的百分比)。此方案在保持水灰比不变的条件下,坍落度可增加8~10厘米。在标准养护条件下(20±3℃)保持用水量、水泥用量不变时,3天强度为空白的2.5倍,14天达到设计强度(21l号),28天后增强20%。在标准养护条件下,保持和空白相同的坍落度可减水9.2%,如水泥用量不变,3天强度为空白的2.5倍,7天达到设计标号(211号), First, the complex scheme 1. GFA (calcium ligninsulfonate) 0.3% + Na2SO4 (sodium sulfate) 2% + N (C_2F_4OH)_3 (triethanolamine) 0.03% (the amount of cement as a percentage of the weight). This solution can increase the slump by 8 to 10 cm while keeping the water-cement ratio unchanged. Under the standard conservation conditions (20±3°C), when water consumption and cement dosage were kept constant, the strength at the 3rd day was 2.5 times the blank, and the design strength (21l) was reached at 14 days, and increased by 20% after 28 days. Under the standard conservation conditions, the same slump as the blank can be reduced by 9.2%. If the cement dosage is not changed, the strength in the 3 days is 2.5 times the blank, and the design number (No. 211) is reached in 7 days.
在众多文学作品中,鸭总是被赋予了美好的形象,中国历史上数一数二的美食达人苏东坡在《春江晓景》中写道:“竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。萎蒿满地芦芽短,正是河豚欲上时。”其中,鸭游水中的场景给人留下了深刻的印象。而在各大菜系中,鸭同样被视为美食中的精品。比如,四川的樟茶鸭子。  樟茶鸭子是川菜中的一道名菜,也是不少大厨的当家菜,在很早以前就已经名扬海内外。据说,1954年周总理去日内瓦参会时,曾以此
追过狂奔中的狗狗吗?追得上狂奔中的狗狗吗?多数狗狗的奔跑能力比你想象的还要强。  40千米  多数家庭中的宠物狗狗的奔跑速度为25~50千米/小时,平均时速为40千米。灵犬的奔跑速度是纯种犬中最快的,最高时速达到68公里。  5.33秒  灵犬的奔跑速度有多么强大?尤塞安· 博尔特刷新的100米世界纪录为9.58秒,他的奔跑速度约为36.9千米/小时,如果让灵犬完成同样的比赛,用时只需5.33秒。