乾隆三十三年 ,纪昀因为“漏言”被谪贬至西域乌鲁木齐。与古代其他谪贬文人所不同的是 ,他并未完全沉浸于穷愁怨艾的情绪中 ,而是以积极乐观的人生态度面对现实。他的《乌鲁木齐杂诗》及《阅微草堂笔记》多方面地展示了西域的风土人情。但两者在内容及视角上有所不同 ,《乌鲁木齐杂诗》以丰富见长 ,但多粉饰之意 ;《阅微草堂笔记》以深刻取胜 ,真实而颇见其洞察力
In thirty-three years of Qianlong, Ji Yun was demoted to Urumqi in the western region because of “missed words.” Different from other ancient scholars and scholars, he was not completely immersed in the feelings of poverty and sadness, but faced the reality with a positive and optimistic outlook on life. His “Urumqi Miscellaneous Poems” and “Yue Wei Cottage Notes” show many aspects of the customs in the Western Regions. However, the two are different in contents and perspectives. “Urumqi Miscellaneous Poems” is rich in insight but more in the sense of whitewashing. “Yue Wei Cottage Notes” profoundly wins and realizes its insight