In the past 10 years, Lycoming developed zero-lock ring laser gyro with random walk low noise, high linearity scale coefficient characteristics. The small three-axis gyroscope presented here fully inherits the above advantages. It uses a diamond-shaped 12-sided body structure that accommodates three non-planar ring laser paths with quadrature sensitive axes and dual anode single cathode excitation to drive three axes The layout can greatly reduce the number of components. In addition, Litton also uses advanced coating technology to produce AR coatings with large incident angles and very low losses. With a reverse lens as the Faraday chamber, with an external magnet, which greatly simplifies the structure of the three-axis gyroscope. The gyroscopes produced by the above technologies have the unobtainable levels of other existing technologies in terms of volume, random walk, scale factor, resolution, dynamic range and other characteristics, and are very suitable for next-generation positioning and tracking systems.