现代主义文学观之所以能够在中国本土被接受 ,除了五四时期的“文学改良”、“文学革命”思潮以及对西方现代主义 (包括意象派、象征主义、表现主义、未来主义等 )的零星介绍为现代主义的输入廓清了道路以外 ,本文认为 ,还有一个最关键的原因 ,就是在中国传统文化中存在着一方以道家文化为代表的思想领地 ,能够接受与“不语怪力乱神”传统“异质”的现代主义。我们从现代主义进入中国的情况可以发现 ,被接受的往往是在中国本土已有思想基础或者与传统文化存在着契合的部分 ;而完全“异质”或者观念落差太大的那一部分 ,则往往难以进入中国现代文学的接受视域。文章对道家文化与中国现代主义文学观的主要内容之间的关系进行了阐发。
The reason why modernist literature can be accepted in China is that the sporadic “literary reform” and “literary revolutions” in the May 4th Movement and the fragmentation of western modernism (including imagery, symbolism, expressionism, futurism, etc.) The introduction has cleared the way for the input of modernism. This article argues that one of the most crucial reasons for this is that there exists an ideological territory in the Chinese traditional culture represented by Taoist culture and capable of accepting “ Traditional ”heterogeneous“ modernism. When we enter China from modernism, we can find that what is accepted is often the basis for thinking in the Chinese mainland or is in line with the traditional culture; and the part that is completely ”heterogeneous" or has a big gap in concept is often Difficult to enter the acceptance horizon of Chinese modern literature. The article expounds the relationship between the main content of Taoist culture and Chinese modernist literature.