创造良好的课堂教学情境,把课上得绘声绘色,津津有味才能唤起学生对学习的兴趣,使学生在轻松愉快中学得知识和本领。在这方面我是这样做的。 一、激发学生的锻炼兴趣 求知欲是学生学习的内部动力,教师在教学过程中必须把调动学生学习的积极性放在十分重要的位置。我在课堂上采用经常放音乐,让学生随着音乐做各种动作,从而进一步培养学生的音乐节奏感。还把唱游、舞蹈、韵律活动、各种操带进课堂。这样既可活跃课堂气氛,也能提高学生的锻炼兴趣。充分利用体育器材自制教具,“一材”多用等方法进行教学。在教学过程中注意用生动形象的儿童语言,通过讲故事和直观教学的形式,努力激发学生的锻炼兴趣,做到寓乐于教学之中。
Create a good classroom teaching situations, the lessons learned, relish to arouse students' interest in learning, so that students can learn in a relaxed and happy knowledge and skills. I did this in this regard. First, to stimulate students' interest in exercise Thing is the internal motivation of students learning, teachers in the teaching process must mobilize the enthusiasm of students to learn in a very important position. I often use the classroom to put music, so that students do all kinds of music with the action, so as to further develop the students rhythm of music. Also singing, dancing, rhythmic activities, a variety of exercises into the classroom. This can be an active classroom atmosphere, but also to enhance students' interest in exercise. Make full use of self-made sports equipment teaching aids, “a material” and other methods of teaching. In the process of teaching, we should pay attention to the vivid image of children's language, try our best to inspire students' exercise interest through storytelling and visual teaching, so that they can enjoy themselves in teaching.