现代传播学的研究有一个结论性的成果:人类传播是一种双向性质的社会活动。“最典型的和最频繁的传播格局是一种扩大了的双向关系,在通常的情况下,参加者在这一交流中参加的程度是不同的。……这种关系的结果是,随着交流的继续进行,理解很可能变得越来越接近。” (威尔伯、施拉姆、威廉·波特:《传播学概论》中文本第
The research on modern communication has a conclusive result: human communication is a two-way social activity. “The most typical and most frequent forms of communication are an expanded two-way relationship, in which participants generally differ in their participation in this exchange .... As a result of this relationship, with Communication continues and understanding is likely to get closer and closer. ”(Wilbur, Schramm, William Porter: Introduction to Chinese in Communication Theory